

The Korea Biobank Array

The Korea Biobank Array

While existing SNP microarray chips are designed for Western, The Korea Biobank Array is optimized for research on Koreans as it includes specific disease risk factors that appear in Koreans. Based on Theragen Bio's expertise, The Korea Biobank Array Version 2.0 is currently under development.


  • Over 820,000 highly reliable markers
  • Suitable for Korean study


GWAS (Genome-wide association study) analysis is a research method that aims to find SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) that are associated with a target phenotype of interest across the entire genome. This research method is based on the "Common disease, Common variant" hypothesis and aims to comprehensively explore genetic factors for diseases and drug responses. For complex diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, which are influenced by multiple genetic and environmental factors, the association between phenotype-genotype (Target phenotype - Genotype) can be identified through common variants with a frequency of 1-5% or more. Theragen Bio provides the best-customized analysis service through extensive experience and expertise in large-scale GWAS analysis, based on various Korean chip projects and public data distribution.

GWAS Tutorial

GWAS Tutorial
Setting PLINK Genotype(SNP) Target Phenotype Covariant
QC of Genotype Data Missingness of SNPs and individuals Sex diecrepancy Minor Allele Frequency(MAF) Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium(HWE) Relatedness Population stratification
Analysis Logistic Regression (Dichotomous trait) Linear Regression (Continuous trait)
Result Criteria of significant p-value Odds ratio Beta QQ plot Manhattan plot Signal plot
Theragen PMRA

Theragen PMRA

The Theragen PMRA chip is a microarray chip composed of over 820,000 highly reliable SNPs based on Thermo Fisher Scientific's Asian PMRA chip, which includes approximately 750,000 SNPs. The Theragen PMRA chip can identify risk factors for common or rare diseases that are prevalent in Asians. Additionally, 50,000 customized SNPs selected over 10 years of Theragen Bio's genetic analysis service expertise have been added to optimize precision medicine, clinical trials, cohort studies, and other research on Koreans. Based on Theragen Bio's expertise, the development of Theragen PMRA chip Version 2.0 is currently underway, and it is expected to be released in the first half of 2022.


  • Over 820,000 highly reliable markers
  • Diversity in chip format
  • Suitable for genetic testing and disease research
  • Reasonable pricing
  • Suitable for research on Asians


GWAS (Genome-wide association study) analysis is a research method that aims to find SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) that are associated with a target phenotype of interest across the entire genome. This research method is based on the "Common disease, Common variant" hypothesis and aims to comprehensively explore genetic factors for diseases and drug responses. For complex diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, which are influenced by multiple genetic and environmental factors, the association between phenotype-genotype (Target phenotype - Genotype) can be identified through common variants with a frequency of 1-5% or more. Theragen Bio provides the best-customized analysis service through extensive experience and expertise in large-scale GWAS analysis, based on various Korean chip projects and public data distribution.

GWAS Tutorial

GWAS Tutorial
Setting PLINK Genotype(SNP) Target Phenotype Covariant
QC of Genotype Data Missingness of SNPs and individuals Sex diecrepancy Minor Allele Frequency(MAF) Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium(HWE) Relatedness Population stratification
Analysis Logistic Regression (Dichotomous trait) Linear Regression (Continuous trait)
Result Criteria of significant p-value Odds ratio Beta QQ plot Manhattan plot Signal plot
SNP Array

SNP Array

Microarray Chip / Openarray Chip

GWAS (Genome-wide association study) analysis is a research method that aims to find SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) that are associated with a target phenotype of interest across the entire genome. This research method is based on the "Common disease, Common variant" hypothesis and aims to comprehensively explore genetic factors for diseases and drug responses. Theragen Bio provides the best-customized analysis service through extensive experience and expertise in large-scale GWAS analysis, based on various Korean chip projects and public data distribution.

Sample/Laboratory Information

Sample/Laboratory Information
Scanning equipment Gene Titan
TAT The turnaround time for the analysis is around 3 weeks, based on a unit of 96 samples.
Detailed Services K-chip, T-PMRA, PMRA
Sample Requirement 1ug (25ng/ul), volume 10u)

Key Analysis Services

Key Analysis Services
Standard Analysis Advanced Analysis
Spatial Sequencing Expression data set
Differential expression genes (DEGs)
Statistical test
Survival curve
GO analysis
Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA)