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[Press Releases] [Press Release]Theragen Bio renews international standard information security certification ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 for 3 consecutive years ... Demonstrates excellence in personal information protection

마케팅커뮤니케이션2022-07-27Hit 2695

■ Since September 2020, Theragen Bio has been the first genomic company to maintain excellent scores in international standard information security certification (ISO 27001) and personal information protection certification (ISO 27701) for three years.

■ To Prove expertise in enhancing data management capabilities and ensuring privacy protection.


Theragen Bio (CEO: Samuel Hwang), a global genetic analysis service and AI-based new drug development company, has renewed its international standard information protection certification "ISO 27001" and personal information protection certification "ISO 27701" for three consecutive years. ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27701, established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), are the most prestigious international standards certification in the field of information protection.


International Standard Information Security Certification (ISO27001) and Personal Information Protection Certification (ISO27701) are the most prestigious certification in the field of information protection. In accordance with the high-quality guidelines required by the European Union (EU) Personal Information Protection Act (GDPR), ▲ physical security ▲ access control ▲ legal compliance.


In September 2020, Theragen Bio became the first genetic analysis company to obtain both Information Security Certification (ISO 27001) and Personal Information Protection Certification (ISO 27701). While genetic analysis companies have mainly obtained ISO 27001 certification to protect personal information contained in genetic information, Theragen Bio has obtained certification for both personal and general information security, and actively responds to information regulations encountered in overseas genetic analysis businesses such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and the Australian Information Security Regulations (CPS2334).


According to Theragen Bio CEO Samuel Hwang, "In the field of genomics, the ability to analyze, utilize, and manage data is key, and through this certification, we have demonstrated our excellence in data management and personal information protection as a global genomics analysis service company." He also stated, "We are proactively preparing to obtain certification in accordance with ISO/IEC 27002 (2022 Information Security Control Guidelines), which follows even more advanced security standards."


Meanwhile, ISO 27001 certification requires companies to comply with all 114 management standards in 14 areas, including information protection policies, organization, asset management, and access control. Companies must establish and document processes to systematically protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets and receive verification that they are continually operating and managing them. ISO 27701 certification for personal information protection is an extension of ISO 27001 and requires compliance with all 49 management standards in eight areas, including personal information management procedures, anonymization, and protection of information subject rights.


