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[Press Releases] [Press Release]Theragen Bio renews international ISO 27001 and 27701 for 4 years in succession

마케팅커뮤니케이션2023-07-04Hit 2116

Since September 2020, as the first genomics company, Theragen Bio has obtained international standard for information security (ISO27001) and international standard for privacy information management (ISO 27701) and has maintained the certification with excellent scores for four years in running.

Strive to ensure the safe management of genomic data and enhance its capabilities in personal information protection, giving our utmost efforts to customer data management."


Theragen Bio, a global genomics analysis service and AI-based drug development company (CEO: Samuel Hwang), obtained international standard for information security (ISO27001) and international standard for privacy information management (ISO 27701) for four consecutive years.


In September 2020, Theragen Bio became the first genomics company to obtain ISO 27001 and ISO 27701, established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It successfully passed rigorous evaluation processes such as information security policy, physical security, access control, and legal compliance, in accordance with the high-level guidelines required by the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Theragen Bio has obtained certifications for both personal information and general information security, proactively addressing information regulations encountered in overseas genomics analysis businesses, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and the Information Security Regulation (CPS2334) in Australia.


Samuel Hwang, CEO of Theragen Bio, stated, "In the genomics industry, the analysis capability and safe management and utilization of data are crucial. We will continue to make dedicated efforts to safely manage customers' data with globally recognized data management and personal information protection capabilities."


Meanwhile, ISO 27001 requires a company to meet all 114 management criteria in 14 areas, including information security policy/organization, asset management, and access control. The company must establish and document processes to systematically establish and maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets and undergo verification to ensure ongoing operation and management. ISO 27701 is an extension of ISO 27001 and is known to require meeting all 49 management criteria in eight areas, including the company's personal information management procedures, de-identification, and guaranteeing the rights of data subjects.


About TheragenBio

Theragen Bio is a biotechnology company specializing in the development of 4th generation personalized neoantigen cancer vaccines, providing genomic analysis services to over 700 medical institutions in Korea and research institutions in over 40 countries overseas. Theragen Bio was first established in 2009 as a bio research center within Theragen Etex, and in May 2020, it was promoted to an independent company called TheragenBio to make  a  second  leap  into  therapeutics  R&D  based  on  the  world-class  capabilities accumulated over the past decade. Theragen Bio aims to realize personalized medicine based on genomic technology and provide true hope and practical solutions for human welfare and health.
